Another bloggeriffic day, I suppose.

Just got my app close enough to finished to take a shot at obfuscating the code with Retrologic's Retroguard, an LGPL'd bytecode obfuscator.

Not too shabby. Here's a example method post-obfuscation:

    public void _mthdo()
        _flddo = "";
        _fldlong = "";
        _fldint = "";
        b = "";
        _fldbyte = "";
        a = "";
        _fldfor = "";
        f = 400;
        _fldgoto = 400;
        e = 150;
        d = 150;
        _fldvoid = 120;
        _fldif = 0;
        _fldnull = true;
        _fldcase = "kunst";

Neat. What's tough to believe is that some people actually make code that looks like that. :^)