
Monday, October 16, 2017

WiFi WPA2 hack not *that* bad

After watching the fabulous video, here's what I think I learned... (There's the mention that other OSes have "other attack vectors", but if this is the worst, well, it's a lot more trouble than starting FireSheep...)
YouTube Mathy Vanhoef
KRACK Attacks: Bypassing WPA2 against Android and Linux

  • Clones network on different channel
  • then it only works on "improperly configured websites", like (edited)
YouTube Mathy Vanhoef
KRACK Attacks: Bypassing WPA2 against Android and Linux


"we make sure the victim can access the internet through our malicious network"

  • Course I'm assuming this youtube dude knows what he's talking about
  • Might be paper author?
  • here's the real trouble:
YouTube Mathy Vanhoef
KRACK Attacks: Bypassing WPA2 against Android and Linux


Hacking app has to start "sending special wifi frames that can command android to connect to a different channel", which is the OS specific side of the vulnerability for Linux and Android.

  • ^ And there's your issue. :wink: So not super simple, but not a copper wire tap either

And even then, you'll lose the https badge in your browser when you're on those "improperly configured sites". Not good, but not a wide-open Heartbleed either, if I understand it correctly.