Interesting Q&A with Blogger owner dude at Internet Magazine, whatever that site is:

Q: Tell us a little about the premium product on offer and how takeup/feedback has been so far.

After talking about it for two years or so, we finally launched Blogger Pro at the end of January this year. So far, it's just Blogger with a few add-on features -- things like spellcheck, image uploading, email out, etc. It's also a bit faster and more reliable than the free version because it runs on separate servers for the most part, and if there are any scaling problems, Pro users get priority.

The plan is for it to be much more, so the uptake for just starting out has been great. I didn't really expect a ton of subscribers until we launched some of the cooler stuff we have in the works, so I'm happy with how it's doing. It's a testament that people will pay for web services that are important to them or make their lives easier.

Kinda scary that it's that easy to sell web services to the masses. Looks like Ballmer and Co. (and whoever that guy was that just got released) are right.