There's an interesting post at Slashdot called Triangle Boy Lives that deals with an app that allows one to surf anonymously. I'm still not sure exactly what's going on (just got to the SafeWeb whitepaper [link below]), but the graphic on this page (the Triangle Boy white paper) is pretty funny. Look at the names of the servers to which the user behind the firewall is connecting. Oh, just the usual sites that are on the up-and-up, like WebMD, NY Times/CNN, etc. Yeah, and maybe Monster to fantasize about a new job, or eTrade to do a little stock trading while I'm at work. Maybe even a little Hotmail check.

Oh, and what's that last one again? (link for older folk only) ;^)

Looks like they forgot to go to blogger. har har.

I think The Boy just throws in an extra computer with which it appears you're talking via SSL, but this computer forms a "triangle" with another server that sends you content. I'm not exactly sure how this helps you except that now any IP with Triangle Boy can help you do what used to with its servers. That is, if your company blocked SafeWeb's servers' IPs, you could Triangle Boy your way around it.

[Quick update:] Yep, that's it. There's a bit on using certificates to help determine that you're using the "Triangle Boy" server you thought you were. Of course to me this means you'll only one step safer than you were before... somebody grabs the TB server, or even its logs, especially if it's not very active, and they can pick apart where you visited.

Course who wants to factor two large primes today?