Finally got around to using one of the unofficially released Safari betas today. I'm using beta 62, which means I quite a bit behind the unofficial times, but the tabbed browsing, accesible from the debug menu (type "defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1" in the Terminal) is a nice start. Looks pleasing. Not that well integrated yet, but a neat improvement and a feature I'll really look forward to having in the final release.

Other than that, not much exciting. Broke back out the trialware app code to add "one last feature" before I release. I really wonder how long the "one last feature" bit is going to last. There are a ton of things I know I'm going to want to have in the app just for my own personal use, and adding after an official release makes it that much more difficult. Then you have to worry about maintaining bkwds campat, etc, as I've ranted about before. But there are so many pieces of crap available in the share/trialware market, I'd just prefer not to add another one. At least one might think what it does is crap, but I'd like to at least not have it do that crap crappily.

It's also been long enough (some of the code is from October) I'm starting to find places where I'm not sure what I was thinking the first time round coding it. That's a lot of fun. I've made myself swear that I wouldn't refactor until after the first release. We'll see if I can stand not updating parts of the code that really need it now until then.