Artem Ananiev's Blog: Introducing JWebPane component:

For many years, Java lacked a worthy component to render HTML content. HTML support in Swing was limited to the 3.2 version. Although the SwingLabs JDIC library provides a browsing component, it is hard to integrate into Swing applications because of its heavyweight implementation. The new component - JWebPane is not intended to substitute all known alternatives, however, it brings HTML support and easiness of use up to the high-level standard.

The state of displaying html with Java stand-alone applications has been pitiful for years, even while other desktop app solutions include native, robust solutions. The new JWebPane is really a pretty neat idea if they're doing it as Mr. Ananiev describes. Effectively, they'll building everything needed to host the xplat components of WebKit in Java.

JWebPane is based on the widely recognized open sourced engine - WebKit. It is not a secret any more. :) The WebKit architecture consists of two considerable parts. The first one is cross-platform, it is responsible for parsing documents, generating DOM, supporting JavaScript. Another part, platform-dependent, so called "port", is intended for communicating with network, rendering graphic content on the screen and other devices, event handling, and other features. JWebPane is a Java port, in which all cross-platform calls are implemented in Java.

But now, back to reality. I'm a little surprised to see Ananiev say that it's "not intended to substitute all known alternatives" when the known alternatives are all so horrendously flawed. Add to that some quotes fromThe Java Tutorials' Weblog.

The following new features are scheduled to be implemented by August'08:

Viewing the History, including Back and Forward functions.
Notifications of external resources loading
Progress status
Viewing page source

August, eh? It's also described as only "70% complete" yet they show demos of how to embed this 70% upside-down and crooked in your frame. Useful.

I did like this quote from the JavaOne Presentation that introduced this component explaining one of its uses.

Web Content to Enrich Applications
Why embed a โ€œstreetโ€ HTML viewer in you application?
โ€ข Show web advertisements (and make some money!)...

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