Camino Browser for Mac Officially Discontinued - Mac Rumors

For a while, Camino seemed to be the fastest browser on OS X, and it was always a nice, fairly stable alternative browser for a number of my machines.  But the writing was on the wall quite a while ago (the Camino development group was kind enough to spell it out for me in July last year).  Camino called directly to Gecko, and then was no real abstraction between the Camino frame and that engine.  There was no abstraction, so there was no way to plug in another rendering engine.

As Stuart Morgan was kind enough to tell me on Google Groups...
and why is the Camino version unsustainable?

Because the embedding API is no longer being maintained. Building an app that includes Gecko, vs. an app that's built *in* Gecko, is no longer supported.
An application built in XUL wouldn't be Camino, it would be something rewritten from scratch in a different technology that looked similar. It would be more like a heavily skinned Firefox than it would be like Camino, technologically speaking. None of us are interested in writing that app...

So you've got a single-use OS X native frame, and the use is gone.  Goodbye Camino.  It was fun while it lasted.

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