There Is No Shame In (Strategic) Quitting | TODD HENRY:

The key isnโ€™t whether or not you quit an effort, itโ€™s why. Are you quitting because youโ€™re tired and just donโ€™t want to make the effort, or are you quitting because you have learned something that has re-framed the problem youโ€™re trying to solve?

The first issue is one of motivation or clarity of action at the least, and possibly also one of character.

However, the second one is the honorable kind of quitting. It means that youโ€™ve recognized that your efforts โ€“ no matter how focused and valiant โ€“ will [practically speaking -mfn] never result in success, and could probably be better spent elsewhere. In this situation, the reason people donโ€™t quit is typically due to pride or insecurity, both of which will potentially lead to wasted years and energy.