I think I'm finally putting my foot down on the side against the repository pattern in MVC. I spend two years working on a reasonably complex MVC app that sold out almost completely to repositories, yet there were very few pages that didn't eventually require a DTO and, in the poorest performing pages (which eventually was nearly all of them), a custom QueryOver "query" to populate them.

Once you're using DTOs and not entities to populate your Views, and especially when you're using, in my past case, QueryOver (which means you *are* creating custom SQL, just one strange head rethread away from creating the SQL directly), you lose too much of the repository pattern's benefits. That is, once you turn the DTO corner, you're already pushing out a custom, usually one-off-ish solution. Why not simply write the right SQL and map from its results directly to your to DTO, skipping the insane overhead and obfuscated performance bottlenecks that are conventional entity mappers, especially when they're building implicit relationships between entities? Oh, the memory of and *for* an entity JOIN gone awry. ORM relationships are, if not difficult, *insanely* tedious, and are essentially never going to be as good as even your server's standard execution plan for the SQL equivalent. SQL's not difficult. If a coder can't understand sets, you were in BIG trouble waaaay before you got to the question of what pattern to use. Why move that logic anywhere but the server? And if you're going to take the time to hand roll relationships, why ever do *any* of that in entities, not SQL? It's like Dr. No trying to perform surgery.

There's only one time that entities are particularly important in the middle tier, though that "one time" crops up with *any* save: Validation, aka "business logic". You want to keep your validation process DRY, and that means putting a nice, reusable validation step between your users' newly inputted data and your data tier is absolutely crucial. You certainly don't want to support more than one filter for data going into the same place. That'll kill you when you're debugging, and cause bad data to seep in when you're not looking. And no matter how complicated your user interface and its initial SELECTs, you're always going to reduce what's entered or edited back to your table (or whatever other serialization method you've got) structure. That's just a truism. (Unless you're a crazy NoSQL-er. I get it, though if your data model changes considerably over time, well, godspeed, man.)

But would it be wrong to put validation logic only in the database too? It'd be a pain in the rear to have a set of "CUD" [sic -- CRUD without the Read] sprocs that return validation codes [that you'd look up and turn into human readable errors in your middleware] and related info, but you need to have some *complete* sort of validation in your dbms any way you cut it. Why get unDRY there? Too many people stop with validation in the middleware and trick themselves into thinking they're DRY. They're not only **not** DRY, their database is naked too. (Insert picture of Walter delivering the ringer... You didn't think I rolling out of here naked, did you?) As I was told years ago, "Put the logic in the database." I don't think I'm [just] showing my age there.

But at this point, you're very nearly back to the same ADO.NET pattern we started with years ago once you hit your Controllers, which worries me that I'm missing an obvious benefit.

But, honestly, for SELECT, repos are dead weight. Even ORM is dead weight. Good SELECT SQL, packaged into a well-protected sproc, mapped to a DTO seems like it's *always* The Right Thing to do. There's almost never a time when you're dealing with straight, unadulterated entities in complex pages, and even when you are, it's not like repos give you a huge leg up over smart Service reuse in your Controllers. That is, there's nothing particular to repositories that's a sole-source dealmaking advantage.

CUD is a slightly different animal, but for me the argument for entities here is more about convenience (running unit tests and coding great validation logic that's easy to send back to your end users with that validation only in your dbms is more difficult for Average Joe Programmer than, say, hacking it in C#) than Doing Things Right. I'm not sure I'm a big fan of ORMs and entities for CUD either, though, again, here I'm willing to be convinced I'm wrong.

Edit: See my discussion a little more recently on Command Query Responsibility Segregation, something I didn't know I was "rediscovering" here. The difference is I think you have to start with separation of your reads, something I kinda jokingly call "CRUD" in that post.

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