Our IT guy just relayed a priceless message from Sharepoint that "explains" problems we're having accessing Sharepoint today. Honestly, it's classic.

If youโ€™re having problems accessing SharePoint today, we just got this:

 โ€œCurrent Status: Engineers are analyzing the service infrastructure to identify the root cause of impact and formulate a remediation plan.

User Experience: Affected users are experiencing latency when accessing or rendering SharePoint Online sites.โ€ 

That โ€œlatencyโ€ can be several seconds to 10 minutes.

The blue stuff is from Sharepoint, the rest from our IT guy (who is a bright, often funny, and thankfully competent dude).

You can't make this stuff up. I taught business and technical writing for four semesters while TAing in grad school. I'm not sure I could have taught folks to be this perfectly horrible if I'd tried my darnedest. Wow. In a strange, perverted sense, this was perfectly written.

Just for fun, let's translate:

We don't know why Sharepoint is hanging for up to 10 minutes, but we're going to try and fix it as soon as we can.

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