From Microsoft's How to: Verify that Strings Are in Valid Email Format Code Example for Microsoft's email validity check

Oh please, heavens, say it isn't so.

Sounds more like a Dune quote, doesn't it?

EDIT: Some decent advice:

Defence in depth only works if each level of your security onion is not rotten. One rotten layer means you spoil the whole onion. Rejecting "" because you want to defend against vulnerabilities in Sun's µ-law encoding doesn't make sense, does it? Don't laugh, it's happened to me. The reason I am here commenting is that Medicare Australia doesn't allow ".au" addresses, only ".com". Also read Mark Swanson, "How not to validate email, ",… – ManicDee Nov 22 '13 at 5:21

And then from the linked post, "How now to validate email":

Or maybe you will find a regular expression that looks something like ^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]omg-whyyyyy$. ... So what should you do instead? Just check for the existence of @. Every email address will have at least one of them and it is trivially easy to write this code.

As I mentioned on SO...

The buttoned up coder in me is trying to resist, but the rest is surprisingly convincingly arguing that anything else is a sad tragedy of micro-optimization.

Just fwiw, I'm also checking for a length of at least one before and after the last @, though I haven't looked at the format for comments inside of an email address [sic!!].

public static bool IsValidEmail(this string str)
    // See
    // for the reasoning behind this.

    int lastAtLoc = str.LastIndexOf('@');
    return lastAtLoc < str.Length - 1 && lastAtLoc > 0;

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