I keep piling up TONS of stuff in Instapaper with the up-until-now mostly unfulfilled plan to catch up on these "important" articles that deserve some consideration later.

I never get there. I found myself wishing I could print out all my Instapaper articles as a [real, bound, paper] book.

Did you know Instapaper lets you export your stuff as ebooks and even a printable pdf (though the last keeps timing out on me)? The only thing I don't like so far is that the ebooks it creates only go back a little ways in my history. I guess I should catch up, archive things, then make another book. Or make a book, archive its contents, then make another.

But this is the killer feature for Instapaper. Put the content I want to read closely into a format conducive to close reading.

Accessing the Instapaper download interface

Now many of my articles are cut off, but that's a general issue with Instapaper. When it works, it works well.

Example content from Instapaper eBook

(Not saying I'd recommend using Edge to read ebooks; just what was close at hand. Time to OneDrive them over to the iPhone, I suppose.)
