I installed Catalina on a partition so I could play around with SwiftUI. I certainly like how clean the syntax is, and figured if this was the future of the AppleOSes (all of ’em), it might be a good time to break down, throw away the Xamarin, and learn Swift “for real”.

Problem is, though the tutorial on Lists in SwiftUI at Apple renders amazingly, it’s ultimately a pretty crappy intro that assumes that you’re already familiar with Swift. That might not be insanely unfair for most reading about SwiftUI, but it’s not super helpful to me. How do you set up reading from that local json file in a fresh project? What’s an underscore mean in these contexts? What’s the difference between private and fileprivate and is its use as anti-pattern as it looks?

This tutorial on Medium covers exactly the same material in a much more novice-friendly fashion, ending exactly at the same place. It might be improved if it had the slick rendering in the right column of Apple’s, but if I have to chose one tutorial over the other, it’s the one that starts slow and ramps up painfully deliberately over the flash-bang, everyone already understands most of this tutorial every time.

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