
If an update you are being offered is causing system crashes or instability and Windows was operating correctly prior to that change, you can follow these instructions to prevent the unwanted driver or update from being installed:

  1. Type โ€œView Installed Updatesโ€ in the Search box and then click onย View Installed Updates โ€“ Control Panelย from the Search results.
  2. To uninstall the unwanted update, select it from the list and then clickย Uninstall.

To temporarily prevent the update from being reinstalled until an updated fix is available, a troubleshooter is available that provides a user interface for hiding and showing Windows Updates and drivers for Windows 10. You can obtain and run the "Show or hide updates" troubleshooter by downloading it from the Microsoft Download Center:

Download Download the "Show or hide updates" troubleshooter package now.

Just hid the April update that's apparently causing trouble, but then couldn't find much confirmation of that and unhid it.

Still, interesting to learn that that utility is there.
