You know what stinks? Sites like the Washington Times that throw so many advertisements into your face that you'll never actually get the information you want.

You know what would rule? Being able to have a personal killfile for URLs that stink when you go to a search site.

You can do this now on a search-by-search basis. Try this:

Now try this:

Very different results.

If we had enough people stop using, idk, (which just asked me to sign in and turn off my adblocker about four times, and not all at once, by which I mean I scroll and it asks again, and I read a while and it asks again; ARGH!!1!) or (which I often get in results when I want MDN... yes, I normally search with MDN in the terms now), maybe Google would learn not to include these things as high in the search rankings.

Just an idea. Guess I should write a browser extension.

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