I know, I know, TextWrangler isnโ€™t supported any more and Iโ€™ll have to swap to BBEdit in 10.15.
This is still cool, though. Itโ€™s a built-in diff tool! I use WinMerge when I need to compare two files kinda ad hoc on Windows (kdiff3 for โ€œrealโ€ diffs on macOS and Windows), but didnโ€™t have a similar tool for macOS.

Except I did.

1. Open two documents (in my case, style.css in both the original and modified parent theme) that youโ€™d like to compare
2. Click View > Show Files or type CMD + 0. This will open a sidebar with all opened documents.
3. Highlight the 2 files you want to compare in the Documents drawer, right click on them and select the option โ€˜Compareโ€˜.

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