How does Gmail not realize this is spam?

I've gotten a run of them -- for months now. Each talks about a Norton subscription. Each comes from a bogus address. Each has some non-English gibberish text somewhere obvious/important: The subject or early in the message.

Not only does Gmail not categorize as spam, it puts it into Primary. I think that means it actively identifies it as a receipt?

And the same phish appears to swim over a reasonably wide range. I saw a Nextdoor post where someone random near me got hit with exactly the same thing. And of course we're just the communicative tip of the iceberg.

If, just a short 30 years into widespread email use (๐Ÿ™„) we can't keep our mail streams clear, can you imagine what happens in avatar-enabled augmented reality? 

That is, AR's going to have a heck of a spam problem. Can't wait to see how it manifests.

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